About Us
Johnston's Nursery By The Numbers

View the slideshow for a summary of Johnston's Evergreen Nursery by the numbers!

We currently farm more than 425 acres of field plantings throughout Erie, Pennsylvania. Mostly in Greene Township, but also in North East and Harborcreek Townships.

Founded in 1953 Erie, Pennsylvania. We grow high quality, cold-hardy trees and plants for wholesale and retail sales.

View the slideshow for a summary of Johnston's Evergreen Nursery by the numbers!
1953 - Johnston's Evergreen Nursery is established.
1989 - Johnston's Evergreen Nursery is incorporated.
11 Members of the Johnston Family from 3 generations work in a crew of 47 Nursery Employees
425 Acres of Field Production
4,800 Potted Trees Grown in 5 Acres of Pot-in-Pot
175 Cold-Frame Polyhouses offer 250,000 Square Feet of Container Production
2.5 Acre Outdoor Garden Center growing and retail sales lot
150 Genera and 500 Species/ Cultivars of plants grown