Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Tamukeyama’ TAMUKEYAMA LACELEAF JAPANESE MAPLE
Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Tamukeyama’ – New foliage is deep crimson-red and matures to purple-red.
Zone: 5-8
The dissectum group of Japanese Maples refers to the shape or cut of the leaves. The ‘Laceleaf’ varieties have very deeply cut, or lacy-lobed leaves in comparison to the palmate leaves of the standard Japanese Maples. Leaf color ranges from dark burgundy to green with varying degrees in between. Fall color is usually a brilliant red in dark leaf plants, while green varieties display bright red to orange colors. Habit varies somewhat with variety, but for the most part is horizontal, cascading, or weeping. These highly ornamental trees can be trained, grown, and maintained at sizes from small and shrubby to tall and treelike. All Japanese Maples require well-drained soil that is rich in organic material. Morning sun is best to retain red leaf color and afternoon shade to protect the tender leaves from sunburn. Protect from sweeping winter winds to prevent drying of spring buds and southern exposure from winter sun.